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Understanding the links between Employee Engagement and Wellbeing

Updated: Dec 4, 2022

2020 was a rollercoaster year. Gallup has just released some insightful research with the understanding that employee engagement and wellbeing saw a divergence within the last year.

During times of turmoil in the economy, there has been an increase in levels of employee engagement as we look to find connections that can keep us rooted.

As more and more people moved into a remote working world, connections to colleagues were a lifesaver. However, reported levels of stress and worry rose starkly during the same period.

The Findings: at-home remote workers experienced significant levels of increased engagement in comparsion to on-site workers, but are at a much higher risk of burnout.

The Fix:

Gallup suggests the following leadership focus to curb the burn out risk;

  • Start measuring employee wellbeing, in addition to engagement.

  • Train managers to have conversations about wellbeing, above and beyond engagement.

  • Capitalize on the benefits of well-managed remote work.

  • Consider the disparate impact the pandemic is having on certain employees.

  • Actively scan for signs of potential burnout.

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